The # 1 priority at EA Tours is the safety and security of our travelers. For 4 decades, EA Tours and its sister organization, Voyager Travel, Inc., has overseen the global travel experiences of thousands of travelers, teachers and students. With affiliate offices around the world, our US headquarters based in Tampa Bay, Florida is constantly in touch with ALL group leaders throughout their sojourn.
Just how seriously does EA Tours take the safety and security of your children and our travelers? Please read on:
- EA’s chaperone policy follows the industry’s best practices standard of a 6:1 student-to-chaperone ratio for international tours and a similar student-to-chaperone ratio for domestic tours. However, because of the EA policy to allow teachers and schools to control this aspect of tour planning these ratios may be even more generous.
- On-site private evening hotel security is standard policy on US/domestic tours.
- EA Tours constantly monitors the U.S. Department of State, Federal Aviation Authority and National Transportation Safety Board and when needed, makes our travelers and families aware of pertinent issues through our Total Communication Program. The program gives Teachers, Chaperones, Student and Families the peace of mind they deserve knowing that EA Tours constantly monitors world events so that the right decisions can be made to keep EVERYONE SAFE.
- All services used by EA Tours are of an extremely high standard. Hotels, Restaurants, Bus Companies, Guides and Tour Directors are all known and qualified before they are used on any trip with EA Tours.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "The recent snow storm that hit Washington, D.C. could have been a disaster, but your educational tour team took care of all of our students. I want to take this opportunity to thank you and your staff for all you have done to keep us sheltered, fed, safe, and mobile. I don't know if it would have been this easy to keep the tour going so the students can continue their visit to DC. Several parents have sent in emails saying thank you for all we have done to keep the kids safe and focused, but that really comes from you and your company. Thank you again!"
— Les C., FL - Middle School Activities Director
— Les C., FL - Middle School Activities Director
Financial Security
Thirty-five years of successfully operating student tours and group tours around the world and the United States has established EA Tours as a financially sound company who delivers on the promises it makes. All airline ticketing for EA Tours is handled by our licensed and bonded sister company, Voyager Travel, Inc. Below are some facts about EA Tours that will provide evidence of our commitment to making your experience with EA Tours a financially secure investment for your child’s education.
- EA Tours is a long-time member of the National Tour Association – NTA.
- All airline transportation is on major airlines such as Delta, United, US Airways, Southwest, Air France, KLM, Iberia, Alitalia and Virgin Atlantic.
- Extensive liability insurance covering all teachers, schools and chaperones is an integral part of the “EA Tours Promise”.
- Every EA Tours traveler is offered the opportunity to take advantage of an inclusive travel insurance program covering such items as trip cancellation, trip accident and trip delay.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "Just so you know, EVERY trip EA has arranged for us has been exquisite."
— Jay C., GA - Repeat Traveler
— Jay C., GA - Repeat Traveler