Hi everyone!
Happy Monday! While another start to the week may be here, I hope you’re excited to read our latest post on an outstanding museum. Please enjoy!
Educational tours to Washington, D.C. will greatly benefit by stopping by the Newseum located at Pennsylvania Avenue and Sixth Street, N.W. The Newseum is a state of the art dazzling structure in downtown Washington dedicated to the First Amendment to the Constitution and the critical role a free press plays in a democratic republic. The Newseum opened to the public in 2008 to much fanfare and has since accumulated rave reviews from educators, media professionals, leaders in the business of travel and hundreds of thousands of visitors from every corner of the world. Highlights of the building design include a façade featuring a “window on the world” which overlooks Pennsylvania Avenue and the National Mall, simultaneously exhibiting displays for the public to see inside the building. The front of the Newseum features the forty-five words that comprise the First Amendment and are etched into a seven story high tablet of pink marble from the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. The Newseum is intensely interactive and will enhance your next educational trip to Washington, D.C.
Educational tours to Washington, D.C. that visit the Newseum will find seven levels of interactive exhibits including fifteen galleries and theaters. Students will marvel at the broadcast antennae which once adorned the top of the World Trade Center. A gallery dedicated to the Berlin Wall contains eight concrete sections, the largest pieces from the original wall found anywhere outside of Germany. Visitors will also have a chance to view every single photograph that won the Pulitizer Prize for the last seventy-five years. TripAdvisor users rated the Newseum as “Traveler’s choice Top 25 Museum in the U.S.” The Newseum also traces the evolution of electronic communication from Marconi’s radio to the Iphone.
Educational tours to Washington, D.C. will discover the five freedoms of the First Amendment: religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition. The Newseum promotes, explains and defends free expression, as well. It would be a terrific destination on your next educational trip to Washington, D.C.